7 Oct 2011

Saving Fitness - Squad Rotation!

Keeping your players fit can save you a lot of money, and easily improve their performance. If you just play game after game with the same eleven players, your fitness will go down drastically and cost you a bomb to get them back to 100.

A great way of keeping up fitness is to create 2 squads from one team. You take your best team, or which ever one you want to play with, and make sure there is a substitute for every position. You may have to buy a few players, but just go for cheap ones (300/400). Then create a new squad, call it '2nd Team' or 'Subs' or whatever you fancy, and put all of your first team players on the bench, then all of your first team subs go on the pitch.

Now, you can play with your first team online, and then play the next game with your second team (maybe an easy offline tournament or something), and then when you go back to your first team they'll all be fresh as a daisy! If you would rather play more with your best team, you can rotate it 1st-1st-2nd-1st-1st-2nd etc. and they'll still have high fitness levels!

Good luck with your teams!

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